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“joy and prayer in the church”

The previous scripture gives us three points of a genuine church.

  1. It is a happy church
  2. It is a praying church
  3. It is a thankful church

They are in the forceful commands which direct our attitudes and actions. By following these three points, we exemplify the importance of a church community.

A Happy Church

Within a happy church, there is an atmosphere of joy which makes its members feel they are bathed in sunshine.

This is not to be mistaken for a perfect church. Regardless of flaws, God designed us to need one another and for the church to need us.

A happy church is centered on the gospel and stands firm on biblical doctrine. The church leaders are accountable and empathetic. It is filled with a culture of grace, love, and peace.

A Praying Church

1 Timothy 2:1-8 emphasizes one of God’s great plans for the church is to be a place of prayer.

To pray continually, you must learn to pray when worried, angry, hungry, sleepy, resting, and working. It is a discipline developed by bringing every thought before God. 

When a church prioritizes corporate prayer, there comes a tremendous power as God meets with the church in a special way. 

A Thankful Church

There is always something to give thanks for. Even on the darkest day, there are blessings to count. And there are many benefits to expressing gratitude. The most interesting of them, in connection to 1 Thess. 5:16-18, is that practicing gratitude guards against envy and leads to joy. 

“this is God's will for you

Giving thanks is the outcome of a rejoiceful prayer. Yet it instills joy in us when we choose to be gracious. This leaves us with the following:

  • Joy + Prayer = Thankfulness
  • Thankfulness + Prayer = Joy

Prayer is the one part of the equation that never changes. Praying continuously is an ongoing dialogue as we walk out the narrative of our lives, inviting God alongside our daily activities.


The statement “this is God’s will for you” requires us to pray regardless of persecution, grief, trial and tribulations.

When you face one of these challenges, choose to pray in joy or thankfulness and allow God to show his faithfulness in the storm.